"DESCRIPTION 1"="The text cursor (insertion point aka "caret") has a specified blinking rate, effective in all applications using the standard block cursor dialog box, like Notepad. Default value is 530 (the cursor blinks 2 times per second), the fastest blink rate is 1 (16 times per second), to disable blinking completely enter -1, and a value of 65535 translates into a very slow blinking rate."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="NOTE: A value smaller than 5 may make the cursor disappear, if it stops moving for more than 10 seconds. To make it reappear, just move the cursor again."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems (CptSiskoX)"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="Thanks to Fraser D. Smithson [frasers@mediaone.net] for the bug notice."
'Declaration of some constants
sP="HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\"
'Called when the Plugin is started
Sub Plugin_Initialize
i=RegReadValue(sp & sv1)
SetUIElement 1,i
End Sub
'Called when the Plugin should validate the Data the user has entered
Sub Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex)
End Sub
'Called when the Plugin should apply the changes
Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
if IsNumeric(i) then
if i<-1 or i>65535 then
Call MsgError("Please enter a value between -1 and 65535!")
Call RegWriteValue(sp & sv1,i,1)
Call Restart
end if
Call MsgError("Please enter a value between -1 and 65535!")
end if
End Sub
'Called when the Plugin is about to be removed from memory